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Nearest travel links

Airport Barcelona - El Prat
Ferry Barcelona 60.00 km
Train station L'Arboç 3.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

Reus Airport - 50 Km.

Barcelona airport - 60 Km.

Activities near Castellet i la Gornal

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

The region's main activity revolves around wine growing and everything associated with it. Many of the local wineries and cava producers offer tours and tastings. The neighbouring villages are famous for their traditional Catalan celebrations. During the summer a different village festival takes place almost every weekend, with traditional music, food, Castells (human towers), Gegants (giant puppets worn by people dancing through the streets), Diables (devils that run through the streets setting off firecrackers), etc.