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Nearest travel links

Train station Humnamby 8.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

A car is essential to make the most of the area.

The nearest train is 5 miles away at Humnamby and the village bus is twice a week to Driffield and Bridlington.

Activities near Wold Newton

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing

Getting around

A car is essential to get to the cottage and to make the most of the area. Most of the roads are fairly quiet most of the year. If you fancy gettign around in different ways, a train station is located at Humnamby, a short drive from the cottage door. The train feeds to the Scarborough and Brid and is buy one get one half price tickets. There is a bus twice a week to Bridlington and to Driffield where onward journeys can be made.