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Nearest travel links

Airport Caen Carpiquet
Ferry Caen Ouistreham 64.00 km
Train station Caen (2 hours to Paris St Lazare 55.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

Most British visitors will bring their own cars and cross the English Channel to visit Normandy.
Easily accessible on good roads from ferry ports.
Caen 45 minutes,Le Havre 1hr 30,Cherbourg 2 hr,Dieppe 2hr 15,St Malo 2hr 15,Boulogne 3hr 15,Calais 3 hr 35
And just 2 hr 45 from Paris
Arrive on one of the luxurious Brittany ferries at the port at Caen-Ouistreham and then come to us direct – it's only a 45 minutes' drive on good, open roads. Perhaps stock up on the unbelievably large selection of good value French wines and local cider in Falaise on the way.
Or you could take the ferry to Le Havre – overnight with LD lines from Portsmouth or the morning express with Brittany ferries – and, instead of coming direct to the Haras (136km/85 miles, 90 minutes), take in some sight-seeing on the coast of the Normandy 'Riviera' and Pays d'Auge on the way. Perhaps take a brief detour to see the picturesque fishing village of Honfleur and/or experience Deauville, the stylish summer seaside resort favoured by Parisiens, before heading south via the medieval half-timbered village of Beuvron en Auge with its official classification as one of 'Le plus beaux villages de France'.
Paris Charles de Gaulle is nearest major international airport, then 296km,(184 miles) 2hrs 50 by road to the Haras du Gazon.
Deauville St Gatien airport: 99.5 km, (62 miles) 1 hr 10 by road to the Haras du Gazon. Flights from London City airport.
HOP! Budget airline offers 50-minute flights from Paris Orly to Caen Carpiquet airport (61km, 37 miles 44 minutes from the Haras ). You can hire cars at Caen Carpiquet
Or, if flying into Paris, rather than picking up a car there (driving out of Paris can be quite challenging) consider taking the train to Caen where there is plenty of choice of car hire companies and much less busy roads. will give you an idea of what is available there.
To our local station at Argentan (17.5 km, 11 miles from Haras). Easy, comfortable, regular service to and from Paris-Montparnasse (2hrs), Le Mans (1 hr), from Caen (40 mins) and from the west coast at Granville (1hr 10)
To Caen (51.5km , 32 miles from Haras). Good service to and from Paris-St Lazare (2 hrs) You can hire a car from the railway station at Caen

Activities near Falaise

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Rural or countryside trips