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Nearest travel links

Airport Parijs
Train station Corbigny 6.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

Who can set the coordinates on his navigation device: N47 ° 17,544 'E3 ° 39,538', this will lead you directly to the right place. If you cannot set the coordinates, type Chazel as the street otherwise you will end up in the wrong place. Ask for the alternative route via Reims, which is slightly longer but saves you any problems via the Paris ring road. If you come via Dirol, do not turn left towards Chazel, but drive straight ahead, the park is on the left-hand side of this road. If you come via Corbigny you will come across our park on your right-hand side of the road just before you turn to Chazel.

Getting around

The most beautiful nature and cities, historically and with some culture. For all your groceries and other purchases you can certainly go to Corbigny at 5 km from the park because there are 2 supermarkets (ATAC and ALDI), 4 bakers, 3 butchers, terraces, restaurants, etc ..., the picturesque Clamecy at 23 km, UNESCO heritage; Vézelay at 45 km; The castle of Guédelon at 65 km, a medieval building that is being restored in traditional costumes and work style from then; The porcelain town of Nevers at 60 km etc ...