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Nearest travel links

Airport Plymouth
Ferry Plymouth - 15.00 km
Train station Plymouth 15.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

GETTING TO KINGSAND AND CAWSAND BY CAR (approx 4 hours from London. We will provide complete directions upon booking.

GETTING TO KINGSAND AND CAWSAND BY TRAIN (approx 4 hours from London). First Great Western serves Plymouth from Paddington (prices vary considerably so it is best to book as soon as possible). Also consider getting off at St German station, which is closer to Cawsand but will require you to book a taxi to pick you up. From Plymouth station, take a taxi to Admiral’s Hard, Stonehouse, for the Cremyll ferry £5 taxi, £1.50 ferry).

We will provide complete directions upon booking.

Activities near Cawsand

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

You can take the Cremyll ferry across the bay to Plymouth.