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Nearest travel links

Airport Bergerac
Ferry Le Havre / Caen 678.00 km
Train station Lalinde 8.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

Arrive in Lanquais and after driving past the Lake (on your left hand side), take the first turning on the left, sign posted Les Roques Basses / Les Roques Hautes. Follow this road over a very small bridge, around a right hand bend (past the entrance to the lake car park), and take the first proper road turning on the left (sign posted Les Louyoux). Follow this windy road uphill, go past several properties, and as you reach the very top of the hill, immediately before a sharp right hand bend which goes downhill, the property will be found on the left hand side, sign posted Le Nid de Faucons.

Activities near Lalinde

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

A car is essential as the property is rural although well located.