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Nearest travel links

Airport Dubrovnik, ?ilipi
Ferry Dubrovnik, Gruž 10.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

If you are arriving by airplane, you can rent a car at the airport or you can get a bus to Dubrovnik, the main station where you change trains to another bus to Zaton Mali . There is a possibility of taking taxi vehicle which is approximately 40-45 Euros.
We can also arrange transport for a surcharge.

If you come with your car and you have a GPS exact address for this apartment is Soline street number 30, postal code 20235 Zaton, Mali Zaton it is 8 km west from Dubrovnik.
If you are coming from the west from Split or from Bosnia and Herzegovina , if you cross the border at the border crossing Bistrina , will pass through the place Doli , Slano , Brse?ine , Trsteno , Orašac . Then will come in Zaton Veliki (Big) and continue driving to table J&J on the right. Your apartment is 20 m up the road.

Zaton has great transit connection with city off Dubrovnk. Buses are driving every half an hour. When you come here, we will give you a schedule of timetables. Buss station is distant few minutes from our house. One way price with bus is 13 KN (less than 3$, about 2€) Taxi drive is also an option. If you want to take a cab, it will cost you about 150 KN (what is about 27$, or 20€). Third option is private drive, price can be agreed.If you come with your car, you will have parking place in front of the house. You have 8 km driving from Zaton to city off Dubrovnik. We will be helpful for every information you need.

Activities near Mali Ston

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips