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Nearest travel links

Airport Pescara
Ferry Pescara 16.00 km
Train station Pescara 16.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Travel by air to Pescara (Ryanair from Stansted), to Rome (Ryanair from Stansted, Manchester and other UK airports; Jet2 from Manchester; other major airlines from London airports); or travel by rail to Pescara. Car hire from one of the airports or from Pescara station is recommended, as local buses and trains are infrequent. The motorway journey by car from Rome takes about 3 hours. There is also a direct coach service from Rome airports (Fiumicino and Ciampino) to Pescara provided by Prontobus. We will give you detailed information about reaching the house if you book.

Activities near Ortona

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Skiing – property near ski resort, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

The nearest railway station is 20 minutes away on foot and there are bus stops at the station and on the main road near the house, but the services are infrequent and a car is advisable if you wish to enjoy your stay to the full.