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Nearest travel links

Airport Bournemouth
Ferry Weymouth 40.00 km
Train station Sherborne 21.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

The Victorian Barn, Dairy House Farm is situated between the villages of Woolland and Hazelbury Bryan. When driving from Hazelbury Bryan towards Woolland; Dairy House Farm is approximately 1.25 miles and is located just after a sharp bend; the drive is on the right hand side. When driving from Woolland towards Hazelbury Bryan; Dairy House Farm is the second turning on the left after a wooded area before a sharp bend.

There are two tall signs indicating Dairy House Farm and The Victorian Barn, there is also a brown Heritage sign directing you down the driveway to The Victorian Barn. The driveway has a concrete entrance and is then tarmac with two speed humps. On arrival please follow the sign to reception to collect your key.

Activities near Woolland

Sports Tennis in town, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Cycling trips