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Nearest travel links

Airport HAM = Fuhlsbüttel : 35min by car / 55min by train
Ferry Ferry to the Baltic Countries from Travemünde 88.51 km
Train station Hamburg Hauptbahnhof (Main Station) 40min 20.92 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

By car;

Coming by car you leave the highway A7 at "Bahrenfeld" and follow the B431 for 20 minutes westwards direction „Wedel“.

Take the B431, ride Osdorfer Landstrasse, continue on Sülldorfer Landstraße until you come to a highway like partion. At the end of that highway you turn right into "Sandmoorweg", then right again into "Grot Sahl" and then left into "Gudrunstrasse". Follow the road right into the dead end. 114 is the second last house on your right. The house is not at the road. It lies second about 20 m aside the road.

There is only limited parking for 2-3 cars on my yard. But more parking is at the road outside.

Having your own car or the use of taxi makes sense. Taxis can be ordered within 10 minutes.

By train:

The journey by train or by car takes about 45 minutes from the City of Hamburg. Take from the main station S1 to the direction WEDEL. Ride that train for 30 min. and get of at Blankenese. From there it is another 15 min by taxi.

Or continue riding that train until station "Rissen". Here you leave the station at the end of the train. Please take the stairs at the END OF THE TRAIN. Then you are already in the Gudrunstraße. Turn left and go straight down the road for a 15 minutes walk. Until you reach the housenumber 114 at the right side of the road in the dead end.

Activities near Hamburg

Great for Rural or countryside trips, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

The neighborhood My villa can be reached from the city center of Hamburg within 45 minutes. The traffic is mostly reliably, without traffic jams. The house is situated at the outskirts of Hamburg in the quiet countryside. Hamburg Rissen is a neighborhood for families, children and recreation-seekers. Here you will find the "Falkensteiner forest", the "Klövensteen game reserve" nature reserve "Wittenberger Heide" and the "Elb-Meadows". The river Elbe is a short drive by bike or car away. My house is right next to the giant "Klövensteen forest" that extends deap into the next state „Schleswig Holstein“. Here you can hike, walk, jog or take a trip by bicycle. There are in the vicinity some good restaurants as well as beautiful lakes and ponds.