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Nearest travel links

Airport tepual
Ferry 11.30 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Directions from Puerto Varas:

Leave Puerto Varas to its eastern district Puerto Chico and follow the street Costanera Vicente Pèrez Rosales. This street turns into Camino a Ensenada soon after. Pass and leave the restaurants "La Olla" and "Pura Sangre" to your right. After another left turn you see "Colegio Alemàn", a colorful building. You're nearly there. Follow the street for another mile and look for the sign which says Bordemundo. Turn to your left and enter our lands. Be careful! It's common practice to signal right and stop first, then look for possible traffic in your back before finally turning.

By bus, in “calle Salvador” depart every 30 min to “Ensenada” or “Petrohue”, ask the driver to drop you BEFORE the rodeo.

Activities near Puerto Varas

Sports Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation