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Nearest travel links

Airport Gatwick
Ferry Portsmouth 112.60 km
Train station Eastbourne 3.20 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

The closest port, being a ten minute drive from the house, is Yarmouth, which is a 35 minute Wightlink Ferry crossing from Lymington. Should you be travelling over by sea from Portsmouth to Fishbourne (Ryde), Ryde to Totland is just a 40 minute drive. The alternative route is Southampton to Cowes, operated by Red Funnel, Cowes being approximately 15/20 minutes drive to Totland.

Activities near Eastbourne

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

There is plenty of public transport and taxis.