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Nearest travel links

Airport Vigo
Ferry Portonovo 5.00 km
Train station Pontevedra 25.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Accommodation, if you do not have car, accessible by bus, on the line from Pontevedra to O Grove (accommodation is close to O Grove). From the train station and bus station from Pontevedra you can access multiple destinations, such as the closest airports, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela.

If desired you can also rent a car in multiple car rental shops, such as the train station of Pontevedra, where there is one of these trades.

Going by the PO-308, the road from Pontevedra to O Grove, in O Grove sense, you will see a kart track on the right and left is Major's beach. Currently at the first intersection you have to go right and later left. The villa is number 108 and has a red portal.

Activities near Sanxenxo

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips