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Nearest travel links

Airport Kosice, Poprad, Krakow, Budapest , Bratislava
Ferry -
Train station Bardejov 22.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Flights, Airports:
There are flights from the UK to Kosice and Poprad by WizzAir. Krakow, Budapest and Bratislava are also within driving distance.

The drive to the cottages from Kosice takes 1 hour 20 mins, from Poprad 1 hour 40 mins, from Krakow 2 hour 45 mins, from Budapest 4 hour 15 mins, from Bratislava 5 hour 15 mins.

Sleeper Trains:
Another possibility is to fly to Bratislava, Prague, Budapest or Krakow, spend a day there and take an overnight train to Kosice.

The sleeper trains leave between 10-11 pm and arrive between 7-8 am. All train timetables can be found on Deutche Bahn international section. Deutche Bahn also sell tickets over the phone, the tickets are sent from the UK office by 1st class mail.

Activities near Bardejov

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips