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Nearest travel links

Airport geneve, chambéry, Lyon, Grenoble
Train station Landry, Aime, Bourg saint Maurice 11.00 km

How to get there

by car; you can drive untill the chalet in Vallandry

by train; the thallys stops at Landry which is only 15 minutes away from Vallandry. from here you can either take a taxi (book in advance) or take the shuttlebus (ask for the times)

by plain; we have 4 airports in the neighbourhood; Geneve (2 hours 15 minutes), Chambéry (1,5 hours), Grenoble (1,5 hours), Lyon (2,5 hours)

in winter you can take the train or the Altibus to Vallandry or Bourg saint Maurice or Aime which is 18 km from Vallandry.

Activities near Vallandry

Sports Tennis in town, Horse riding, Skiing – property near ski resort
Great for Walking trips, Cycling trips