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Nearest travel links

Airport Newquay
Train station Par
Car Car advised

How to get there

Main Car Park - Hanson Drive PL231ET This is a council run car park, charges are based on length of stay. However the council offers a weekly rover car park permit which cover charges for almost all long stay car parks in Cornwall. I believe the cost of this is £47.00. Distance to Sail Loft 0.2 miles.

Readymoney Car Park - Tower Park PL231JD This again is a council run car park. Distance from Sail Loft is 0.8 miles

Caffa Mill car park - Station Road PL231DF Council run car park by car ferry from Fowey to Bodinnick. Distance from Sail Loft is 0.4 miles Weekly tickets for this car park only costs £42, day sessions till 6pm cost is £6.00.

Station Yard car - Passage Lane PL231DF Harbour authority run car park

Activities near Fowey

Sports Water sports, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

Best way of getting around to see the wonderful sights of Cornwall is by car. Get to the area you are interested in, then explore on foot. Don't forget to experience the wonderful food & and drink that is available in Fowey itself.