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Nearest travel links

Airport Exeter
Ferry Plymouth 45.00 km
Train station Paignton 12.00 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

National Express busses run into Paignton and Brixham TownTrains from all over the country run into Paignton.Car follow the road from Paignton signposted Brixham. Drive down to the seafront.At the sea front turn right, keep the sea visible on your left. Devoncourt SeaView Apartments are on the rightoverlooking the Breakwater. next to the Winston Churchill grounds, by the lifeboat station. Post Code TQ5 9AB

Activities near Brixham

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

To reserve your car parking space please let me have you Post Code and House number. WE have our own private car park.