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Nearest travel links

Airport Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro - taxi, bus, metro
Train station Campanha or S. Bento - taxi or bus 7.00 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

if you arrive by air the best and confortable way, to came home, is by taxi:
12.88 Km; 00:12:33; 14.6 € (4 adults, including bag);

if you arrive by Train, estação de Campanha, the best and confortable way, to came home, is by taxi:
5/6 Km;7/9 € (4 adults, including bag);

The values above are only estimative. Other factors can influence the price of the trip.
In alternative you c

Activities near Porto

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips