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Nearest travel links

Airport Limoges Bellegarde
Ferry Calais 700.00 km
Train station Bellac 10.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Ryanair fly to Limoges Bellegarde Airport from London Stansted, Leeds Bradford, Liverpool, Manchester, E Midlands, Bristol etc.

Ryanair also fly to Poitiers Airport.

British Airways fly to Limoges from London Gatwick.

FlyBe fly to Limoges from Southampton and Birmingham.

I have a directions info sheet that I can send to you, if you are driving.

Activities near Blond

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

As this is a predominently rural area, a car is recommended. There are however trains and buses that run into Limoges from the local town of Bellac.