
What's nearby:

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Nearest travel links

Airport Santander
Ferry Bilbao 60.00 km
Train station Treto 8.00 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

* The location and communications are excellent: - The nearest airports are Santander and Bilbao. Both cities are about 30 minutes drive. - In these cities there are also train stations. You can reach Santander and Bilbao by bus from the bus station in Laredo (a 3 minute walk from the attic). - The house has parking, which is accessed by a side street. This is a 1-minute walk from the entrance to the building. - Being situated in such a strategic location, the car really is not necessary since they can move walk to the beach and harbor (3 minutes), Old Town, and access all services ..

Activities near Laredo

Sports Golf course on site or within 15 min walk, Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

- A 3 minutes walk and a taxi stand and right next to the bus station. - The nearest airports are Santander and Bilbao. Both cities are about 30 minutes drive. You can also access them by bus from the bus station in Laredo. - Bike rental is also possible.