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Nearest travel links

Airport Lyon Saint Exupéry
Train station Culoz 30.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

100m after the village entrance sign "Saint Bois", turn left towards "Veyrin, Crozet, Mairie, Salle des fêtes." Follow the main road about 1.3km up to the hamlet of Veyrin . The eco gîte du Saint Baudille is located at the top of Veyrin, on the right side.

100m après le panneau d'entrée du village "Saint Bois", tourner à gauche direction "Veyrin, Crozet, Mairie, Salle des fêtes".

Suivre la route principale qui monte au hameau de Veyrin sur 1,3km.

Le gîte du Saint Baudille se situe à la sortie du hameau de Veyrin, tout en haut, sur la droite.

Activities near Saint-Bois

Sports Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Cycling trips