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Nearest travel links

Airport Malta Aiport
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

Malta boasts a modern, reliable and cheap bus service throughout the island - so it's easy to get to places such as the Waterpark, St Julians , The Capital Valletta and a day boat trip to the Blue Lagoon is a must do ( to name a few of the many exciting things to do )

Bus services on the Maltese islands generally operate daily between 5:30 and 23:00hrs. Prices range from €€1.50/€2 per 2 hour journey or €€21 for a weeks unlimited travel.Buses fitted with air con and wi-fi.

The 'all white' vehicles are our version of the black cab and can pick up passengers from anywhere, except bus-stops and appear to work out cheaper for shorter journeys. All other vehicles are private hire.