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Nearest travel links

Airport Prestwick
Ferry Stranraer 75.00 km
Train station Dumfries 45.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Travelling approximately 4 miles west passed Castle Douglas on the A75. You then take a left onto A711 to Kirkcudbright for another 6 miles. Once in Kirkcudbright you travel into the town centre where you will come to a main crossroads.

Turn left here onto the B727. You will pass a Tesco on your right hand side. Travel on this road out of town. You will pass a cemetery on your left and then you will approach a very sharp hare pin bend.

Do not go around this bend. Take a right up the hill, and High Kirkland is based approximately 3/4 mile along this road. High Kirkland is perched up on the right hand side and is sign posted at the bottom of the road.

Activities near Kirkcudbright

Sports Fishing

Getting around

The easiest way getting around is by car.