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Nearest travel links

Train station Stroud or Gloucester 8.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

We are 10 mins from Gloucester or Stroud and about 90 mins from Heathrow. Full directions will be provided on booking.

Activities near Painswick

Sports Horse riding
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Cycling trips

Getting around

You really need a car to get around the area - unless you are coming for a complete retreat when you can get taxis from Gloucester or Stroud Station easily and the local supermarkets all deliver. There is so much available within 20 mins drive - Gloucester with its Cathedral, the docks, and plenty of shopping, Stroud with its Saturday market noted as one of the best in the UK by the Telegraph (6th May 2017), numerous smaller attractive villages, Slimbridge wetlands wildlife trust, and plenty more.