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Airport Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos
Car Car advised

How to get there

The municipality of Caraguatatuba, which is on the north coast of São Paulo is 186 km from the state capital and 397 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro. Buses leaving daily from Guarulhos Airport - Guarulhos (san jose) Caraguá. Leaving the state capital, the driver has the option of taking the highways Ayrton Senna / Carvalho Pinto (SP 70) and Presidente Dutra (BR 116) in the north. The roads have duplicate tracks and feature pavement in good condition. At the time the city of São José dos Campos, tourists should use the output to the Tamoios Highway (SP 99), towards Litoral (Caraguatatuba and São Sebastião). Arriving in Caraguá continue Ubatuba sense until the beach of Capricorn.

Activities near Caraguatatuba

Sports Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

Capricorn Beach - Being continuity Beach Massaguaçu has the same characteristics. As it is a beach fall, the site is very appreciated by anglers with line. The most crowded part of the beach is the south side, where one of Caraguá attractions: the Blue Lagoon at the mouth of Rio Jetuba. The freshwater lagoon is. Along with the beach Massaguaçu form one of the longest edges of Caraguatatuba. In its surroundings there are several vacation homes that make up a small residential neighborhood. Access is by road, where some neighborhood streets conserve the land of street feature.