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Nearest travel links

Airport Exeter
Ferry Plymouth
Train station Okehampton
Car Car advised

How to get there

Use the post code EX20 1RL .

Okehampton has good public transport from Exeter, there is a train station at Okehampton, a good bus service to the town from Exeter, and also at Exeter is the Airport. From Okehampton, Meadow Sweet is just a mile, and there are good taxi service from the town. If you have your own transport then there is lots of free on site parking, right out side of the cottage. by road to get to meadow sweet. once you are settled in to Meadow Sweet it is a easy walk back down in to the town of Okehampton.

Activities near Okehampton

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Cycling trips

Getting around

To see Devon at is best, you really do need a car, but you can get around well on a cycle, or using local bus services. time tables are in the cottage.