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Nearest travel links

Train station San Fernando 140.00 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

Take Bus Pichilemu Directo via Autopista Del Sol,. Bus ticket is cheaper from the San Borja bus terminal. Look for Buses Transantin.

If at Terminal Alameda or sur look for Pullamn Del Sur Pichilemu Directo

Note the two terminals are about 4 blocks apart, Terminal San Borja (Norte) is next to the railway station behind the market - walk through to reach.

Journey time about 3 hours.

Note bus or car via San Fernando is much slower.

Activities near Pichilemu

Sports Water sports, Fishing
Great for Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

Los Dos Soles is very well clocated close to everything is no more than a few minutes walk away. Taxis and collectivos are readily available to go to Punta Lobos 4 km south or Cahuil l4 km south. Tsxis are not expensive. regualr bus services to Santa Cruz, San Fernando or Santiago depart every hour or so.