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Nearest travel links

Train station THIVIERS
Car Car advised

How to get there

Nearest Train Station: Thiviers (3km)

(On the train line between Limoges and Périgueux)

Nearest Airports:

LIMOGES (1 hr drive)

Direct flights with Ryanair from Manchester, London , Nottingham, Leeds, Bristol, Birmingham & Southampton (as well as a few French airports)

​BERGERAC (1 hr 20)

Direct flights with Ryanair from Manchester, Liverpool, London, Bristol, Birmingham, Southampton, Leeds, Edinburgh, Exeter,Nottingham, (as well as airports in the Netherlands and Belgium)

Cheap car hire available at Limoges airport - or take a 10 min taxi to Limoges followed by a 40 min train to Thiviers.

Activities near Thiviers

Sports Water sports
Great for Rural or countryside trips, Cycling trips

Getting around

Having a car is recommended but it is possible on public transport if you're prepared to walk 30 mins from the station.