
What's nearby:

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Nearest travel links

Airport DUB Dublin Airport
Ferry Rosslare Habour 39.00 km
Train station Gorey 6.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

Driving is necessary and enjoyable through our beautiful county. Bus and rail services to Dublin and other counties depart from Gorey town. Local bus, taxi, hailo etc service the surrounding localities. If you require any further info please contact.

Activities near Gorey

Sports Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Rural or countryside trips, Cycling trips

Getting around

Once booked, we will send you an email to make arrangements! We’ll ask you for your travel information and send you a detailed email with contact details for your arrival, directions to the rental and some tips and advice for your upcoming trip to wonderful Wexford. Please read this email carefully, as we endeavour to answer the numerous queries you may have!