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Nearest travel links

Airport Aeropuerto de Jerez
Ferry Trasmediterranea, Muelle Marqués de Comillas, Ampliación s/n, 11006 Cádiz 15.00 km
Train station Bahia sur
Car Car advised

How to get there

GPS coordinates Latitude (l): 36.469618 (36 ° 28 '10.62 ") Length (L): -6.211169 (-6 ° 12' 40.21") The main railway station is San Fernando - Bahía Sur, and a highway is connected the nearest airports (the Jerez about 40 minutes and Seville about 90 minutes).

Getting around

** City Bus: The number of lines in service are two: Line 1, Bahía Sur-Ardila-Bazan-Casería Ossio Line 2, Gallineras- Camposoto, León Herrero-Bda. Bazán ** Intercity Bus: There are nine metropolitan bus lines connecting the city of San Fernando with the other five municipalities in the metropolitan area of ​​the Bay of Cadiz and Jerez (Cádiz, Chiclana de la Frontera, Jerez de la Frontera, Puerto Real and El Puerto de Santa María) and Medina Sidonia ** Railway. In San Fernando there are two railway stations. One, next to the South Bay shopping center, and the other, San Fernando-Centro, near the Paseo General Lobo (La Glorieta)