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Nearest travel links

Airport Airport Friedrichshafen
Ferry Meersburg 12.00 km
Train station Bahnhof Markdorf 2.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

go to Markdorf by car, bus or train. Our house is on Gehrenberg, which is the upper part of Markdorf. Ideally, you drive the Gehrenbergstr. up and then left onto Maria-Lanz-Str. turn. Then about 100 m turn to the right in the vineyard path. These continue, then enter right into the Rossweg. Although our house has the number 1, but is not the first house in the street continue straight boot :-) Just from the mountain and then you see after about 300 meters left of the page our apartment. You can use right on the property, the two parking spaces. Welcome :-)

Activities near Markdorf

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding
Great for Walking trips, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips

Getting around

Airport Friedrichshafen (15 km) Zurich or Stuttgart train: German Railway with a railway station in Markdorf Bus: there are buses in Markdorf