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Nearest travel links

Airport Landvetter Airport
Ferry Kolahättan färjeläge 2.00 km
Train station Stenungssund Station 10.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

From Gothenburg: Take the E6 towards Oslo. Take the exit number two Stenungsund. Drive towards Svanesund. In Ödsmål, drive straight through the roundabout, still towards Svanesund. Just before arriving to Kolhättans ferry and the ferry to Svanesund is a sign: Ljungskile 12 to the right. Turn and follow this road for 2.5 km until you see a bus stop and a sign Hällesdalen on the left side of the road. Take the road to the left. From Oslo: Take E-6 towards Gothenburg. When you come to Ljungskile takes second exit (Lyckorna interchange) and head towards Lilla Edet (Route 167). After 1 Km on the road is a sign Svanesund 12, down to the right. Follow this road for 7 km, then comes a sign and even a bus shelter where it says Hällesdalen (down right). Last bit: Follow the road straight ahead down two fairly steep hills. Run over a small bridge on a small stream, and take a left. Follow this road for about 500 meters and you arrive at the end of a barn. To the croft turn left before ladugaveln address into the GPS Hällesdalen 331, 44497 Svenshögen Please call if you do not find so we can help you!

Activities near Stenungsund

Sports Water sports, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

You need a car to get to Hällesdalen.