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Nearest travel links

Airport Almaty International Airport
Train station Almaty 1 (14km) and Almaty 2 (6km) 6.00 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

1) From airport: bus № 86, or taxi(uber, econom,yandex, lider) 1500 tenge.

2) From Railway station(Almaty 1) : bus № 2, (Almaty 2): bus № 141. 150 tenge.

Getting around

To Dostyk plaza and cafe you can go by walk. To ski resort (Medeu) on bus №12, then from Medeu on bus "Medeu-Shymbulak" or by cableway. To Park Koktobe by bus №99 from the bus-stop near the shopping mall Ritz-Palace.