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Nearest travel links

Airport Salzburg
Train station Zell am See 300 m
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

Getting to Austria:
Most people will fly to either Salzburg (75 minutes from Zell) or Innsbruck (90 minutes from Zell) airports. Many airlines fly there, but the real bargains from the UK are with RyanAir.

Approximate driving times to Zell are as follows: London – 12 hours, München (Munich Airport) – 3 hours, Düsseldorf – 8 hours.

From Salzburg airport to Zell:

By bus: You may be able to catch the Vorderegger bus directly to Zell (the bus station is around 5 minutes’ walk from the apartment but often the bus driver will be happy to drop you at the corner). The return journey costs around €30 per adult and €15 for children. There is also a regular bus service several times a day, which may be quicker than taking the train if the times are suitable.

By car: You can rent a car to drive to Zell – they can be quite cheap if you book in advance. A small car costs from €29 per day. However, you won’t really need a car in Zell as you are located very centrally and connections to everywhere are very good. Also, you can rent a car for the day in Zell from around €50 per day!

By train: You will need to get a bus from the airport to the main train station and then a train to Zell from there. The total journey will take around 2½ hours. More info at

Activities near Zell am See

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Skiing – property near ski resort, Fishing
Great for Walking trips, Rural or countryside trips, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling trips