
Prices originally quoted in GBP

For up to 2 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
Spring '24 16 Apr 24 24 May 24 $106 $112 $556 - 2 nights Flexible
Whitsun '24 24 May 24 5 Jun 24 $112 $118 $618 - 2 nights Flexible
June/July '24 5 Jun 24 19 Jul 24 $106 $112 $556 - 2 nights Flexible
Summer '24 19 Jul 24 4 Sep 24 $112 $118 $618 - 2 nights Flexible
All other dates - - $112 $118 $742 - 2 nights Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

3 night breaks start on Friday.
4 night breaks start on Monday.

The prices are inclusive of everything. There are no hidden extras.
Please contact me to discuss any specific requirements.