
Prices originally quoted in GBP United Kingdom Pounds

For up to 22 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
12 Apr 24 24 May 24 $1,462 - $6,748 - 3 nights Flexible
24 May 24 7 Jun 24 $1,812 - $7,122 - 3 nights Flexible
7 Jun 24 19 Jul 24 $1,750 - $6,998 - 3 nights Flexible
19 Jul 24 6 Sep 24 $1,906 - $7,622 - 3 nights Flexible
6 Sep 24 27 Sep 24 $1,587 - $6,310 - 3 nights Flexible
27 Sep 24 11 Oct 24 $1,462 - $5,873 - 3 nights Flexible
11 Oct 24 1 Nov 24 $1,687 - $6,748 - 3 nights Flexible
1 Nov 24 20 Dec 24 $1,462 - $5,873 - 3 nights Flexible
20 Dec 24 28 Dec 24 $2,599 - $7,810 - 1 week Flexible
28 Dec 24 5 Jan 25 $2,599 - $7,797 - 1 week Flexible
All other dates - - $1,875 $1,875 $5,873 - 3 nights Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

Short breaks of 3 nights are accepted through out the year, except Christmas and New Year, are charged at75% of the weekly rate. midweek night prices apply to Mon / Tue / Wed only
A £250 security deposit is required with the balance payment. This is fully refundable if there are no breakages etc.
We can accept payments by cheque, debit or credit cards but credit cards have a 2% charge or bank transfer in GBP. Midweek booking price can be negotiated based on no of night per stay